Home > Artworks > Maria Gabriela de la Cruz

Photo of Maria Gabriela de la Cruz Argentina
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STUDIES CURRCULUM - Professorship in Plastic Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. - Degree in Plastic Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (graduate student). - Faculty in Art History, Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (graduate student). Courses: 6th. National Meeting of Potters ENAC, organized by the Secretary of Culture of the...

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STUDIES CURRCULUM - Professorship in Plastic Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. - Degree in Plastic Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (graduate student). - Faculty in Art History, Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (graduate student). Courses: 6th. National Meeting of Potters ENAC, organized by the Secretary of Culture of the Province of Entre Rios, Concordia, Entre Ros, year 1997. II Seminar and First Biennial Ceramic Art Ceramic, organized by the Directorate of Culture of Villa Gesell, Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, year 1997. Professional development course of formation under the agreement between the Faculty of Fine Arts at the UNLP and the Industrial Union of La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, year 1998. Talk Workshop "The teachings and the practice of visual language," organized by the Faculty of Fine Arts the UNLP, La Plata, Bs As, year 1999. III Biennial Ceramics Seminar, organized by the Directorate of Culture of Villa Gesell, Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, year 1999. Seminar "The tasks of innovation in classroom practice", organized by the University Extension Department of the UNLP, La Plata, Buenos Aires, year 2003. Educacin seminar organized by the University Extension Department of the UNLP, La Plata, Buenos Aires, year 2003. TITLE OBTAINED Professorship in Plastic Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, year 2002. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Graduate Assistant honorary Ctedra Drawing the IV of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UNLP, year 2003/2004. Assistant honorary diploma of Visual Language Ctedra III of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UNLP, year 2003 and continues. Honorary Graduate Assistant, Chair of Ceramics Department of the Institute of Visual Arts National University of Arts, year 2004 and continues. RELEVANT PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND - The artistic scope Exhibitions: Shows "Encuentro de Arte Joven", Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (group), year 1998. Youth Art Show, Chamber of the Construction Argentina, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (group), year 2003. Shown in the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (group), year 2003. Sample "Expoarte II", Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (group), year 2003. Shown in the Dining Salon Matilda Cultural Center, Valencia, Spain, year 2004. Permanent Exhibition Facilities in "Liquid" Production, Capital Federal, Argentina, year 2004. Work in private collections. Project: Project for a ceramic mural installations sited in Goya Television Channel, a city of Goya, Corrientes, Argentina, year 2004. Project A ceramic mural sited in the town of Concordia, Entre Rios, Argentina, year 2004.

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